#47 Quest Archetypes: Snaccoon

We go on in our journey with a concept that is particularly related to genre. Quest and Plot Archetypes, Genre Given a medium, it is imminent that its rules for creation of content are – in general – set. There are of course works that push beyond what we thought were the rule-induced bounds ofContinueContinue reading “#47 Quest Archetypes: Snaccoon”

#45 Coordination and Polishing: Ocularis

A second quest prototype with the “Ocularis-Engine”! Coordination and Polishing If you understand quests as chains/trees/graphs of events and goals and the quest designer as the one responsible for such an entire experience, then seeing a coordinating aspect to that role is not far fetched. After all, it is not the quest designer who providesContinueContinue reading “#45 Coordination and Polishing: Ocularis”

#16 Adapted Dramaturgic Models & Fenris

I’m taking a short break from my TW2 quest design, waiting for some people to give feedback on the quest design document I produced last time. In the meanwhile, I’ll write down some of my thoughts on dramaturgic models like the heroes journey and how they might be of use in storytelling without getting stuckContinueContinue reading “#16 Adapted Dramaturgic Models & Fenris”

#10 Ideation and The Witcher 2

Today I’m talking about finding and expressing quest design ideas, which in some form is part of every quest design process. I am planning to think of such a process and I hope that my previous and future theoretical posts will help me with that. The second half will present a quest design idea basedContinueContinue reading “#10 Ideation and The Witcher 2”

#00 A Beginning: One Quest Design a Week

Where to start? When to start? How to start? In a world where poststructuralism is a thing (they like to dissolve structures (Link)), these might seem like hard questions. If we cannot be sure of any structure, what does remain? The answer is given by the poststructuralists themselves: Even if we can never again beContinueContinue reading “#00 A Beginning: One Quest Design a Week”