#19 Quest Structure, Definitions & Mikratheus

This post is concerned with the structure of quests as it appears in video games. I’ll present a conceptualization of questgraphs in The Witcher and will then continue to write down a specialized system for my game jam project Mikratheus. The Structure of Quests in Video Games The following abstract description is heavily based uponContinueContinue reading “#19 Quest Structure, Definitions & Mikratheus”

#02 On Unplayed Games (and Stardew Valley)

The following has been decided by the high council of decision-makers (me): We shall examine the difference between the computer game as (almost) unchanging object and its running form, where it is played by a player. The investigation is continued in order to see how quests are related to this matter. In the second part,ContinueContinue reading “#02 On Unplayed Games (and Stardew Valley)”