#13 Space Layout and The Witcher 2

In this post I will start talking about the space that quests might play in. I will borough some techniques from level design here and there, but as a matter of fact I’ve already applied some of the rather basic ideas in quest designs of previous posts. Today we begin with a simple map layout.ContinueContinue reading “#13 Space Layout and The Witcher 2”

#12 Character Webs and The Witcher 2

Today I’m going to talk about and use character webs, a method/principle introduced to me by John Truby in his book “The Anatomy of Story”. Since I am a bit short on time, this post will be a rather short one. Character Webs John Truby begins his chapter on characters with telling the reader thatContinueContinue reading “#12 Character Webs and The Witcher 2”

#11 Character Templates and The Witcher 2

Today I want to talk about characters, both in theory and in practice. I present a short approach to character design and am then going to use it in my Witcher quest. Let’s get into it! Characters It is probably hard to find a book about narrativity (be it in video games or any otherContinueContinue reading “#11 Character Templates and The Witcher 2”

#10 Ideation and The Witcher 2

Today I’m talking about finding and expressing quest design ideas, which in some form is part of every quest design process. I am planning to think of such a process and I hope that my previous and future theoretical posts will help me with that. The second half will present a quest design idea basedContinueContinue reading “#10 Ideation and The Witcher 2”