#24 Dialog Systems & Ocularis

Today we’re going to talk about dialog systems, their integration in quest systems, and how I implemented such a thing. Dialog Systems Let’s hear what Chris Bateman has to say about dialog systems (or engines): A dialogue engine is the means by which a game speaks. This software mediates the delivery of all dialogue (andContinueContinue reading “#24 Dialog Systems & Ocularis”

#18 Scenes – Dialogscript & The Witcher 3

Today I want to talk about scenes. I will introduce some aspects to consider while designing them and a specific instance of where they are used in video games: In modding with the raddish modding tools for The Witcher 3 (TW3). Following this I’ll write down a part of a scene for my Witcher quest.ContinueContinue reading “#18 Scenes – Dialogscript & The Witcher 3”