#49 Attention: Ocularis

Today I’ll explain how I learned about a new principle and applied it. Attention The idea of attention shouldn’t be new to most people, and the design principle connected to that won’t be particularly revealing either. Attention is a mechanism of the human brain that manages the focus of its inner and outer senses: WhereContinueContinue reading “#49 Attention: Ocularis”

#48 Staging: Ocularis

Overall, mainly my recent consumption of seeing CD Projekt RED Quest Direktor Paweł Sasko play Cyberpunk 2077 leads to this post. You can join in this source of knowledge and inspiration on his twitch (or YT) canals. Staging For any game with seamless camera direction (meaning e.g. no or almost no cutscenes), staging is probablyContinueContinue reading “#48 Staging: Ocularis”

#43 Tutorial: Ocularis

Today’s post is about tutorial construction in general and in specific. Tutorials … are about introducing the player to the game experience. This means that the core mechanics (meaning the ways the player can interact), the overall pacing and atmosphere/theme all need to be set up. So a key element to tutorials is the repeatingContinueContinue reading “#43 Tutorial: Ocularis”

#36 Scene: The Father

This post presents the conclusion of long ongoing project of mine, a scene for trial 6 in the trial of radishes, which are a tutorial for the radish modding tools for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Cinematography Techniques The active reader might remember post #18, where I introduced how the creation of scenes is organizedContinueContinue reading “#36 Scene: The Father”

#18 Scenes – Dialogscript & The Witcher 3

Today I want to talk about scenes. I will introduce some aspects to consider while designing them and a specific instance of where they are used in video games: In modding with the raddish modding tools for The Witcher 3 (TW3). Following this I’ll write down a part of a scene for my Witcher quest.ContinueContinue reading “#18 Scenes – Dialogscript & The Witcher 3”