#41 UI: Ocularis

Back from vacation I’m carrying a lot of new ideas with me. Some of these have already started before, some are new. This post is about how UI storytelling is employed in a project I’m participating: Ocularis. Aesthetic Cohesion and Dissonance A while ago I wrote a post about how video games present themselves viaContinueContinue reading “#41 UI: Ocularis”

#39 UI: Cybertext

“Substance before Style”  Another post, another storytelling device: The user interface, or for short UI. Principles of Interaction Design On his website, Bruce Tognazzini gives a holistic (my favourite!) introduction to what he calls “interaction design”. The background he is writing from is that of the great design, UI, UX (user experience) trends which cameContinueContinue reading “#39 UI: Cybertext”